
Nigerian Community Association Bradford (NCAB) is pleased to offer a number of ways to support our various projects.

Our Objectives

Community capacity building and social inclusion: “To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by working with people in Bradford who are socially excluded on the grounds of their ethnic origin, religion, belief or creed, gender, race, sexual orientation, age and disability starting with the members of the Nigerian community in Bradford; to relieve the needs of such people and assist them to integrate into society.

  • to render support and provide information to families and their friends in our community
  • to provide an environment where our members can network in order to enhance the economical and social development of our community
  • to develop, promote, facilitate and represent the interests of our members in a changing and challenging environment
  • to promote the awareness of African cultural traditions for the enrichment of our children, and other communities in our neighbourhood
  • preservation of our own culture through the celebration of our heritage and traditions to support our members on important domestic occasions
  • to actively support NCAB elders – through the provision of support for Nigerian elders in our community before and when they pass away such as care when they are alive, support to their loved ones before and during burial.